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What Exactly is Hair Botox?

Keratin treatments, hair glossing treatments, scalp treatments, not to mention constant trips to the salon, and an abundance of hair products. 

Hair botox is a new hair treatment and is quickly becoming popular in many hair salons. It is said to rejuvenate hair and restore shine and health. So, what exactly is it, and is it the same as regular Botox?

There are two types of hair botox. One treats your hair strands in the salon, and the other must be performed at a dermatologist’s office and is often referred to as “blotox.” This type of hair botox injects botulinum toxin into the scalp to decrease sweat production, which will ultimately reduce the need to wash your hair as often. 

However, the treatment of the hair strands is the most common form of hair botox. The name is a bit deceptive, as it doesn’t have any botulinum toxin and doesn’t relax the hair at all. Instead, it acts as a filler and infuses your hair with hydrating materials lost in the cuticle layers, creating a protective coat.

Some hair professionals have referred to it as Juvederm for the hair.

A treatment like this will typically cost around $300 but will depend on your hair length, quality, texture, and even where you live. Make sure you see an experienced professional who has performed hair botox before, as mistakes can cost you beautiful hair. Over applying proteins or not correctly using heat involved in the sealing process can make hair brittle. 

Have questions about Botox in general? Peter Martinez-Noda (PMN) Health and Wellness Center, a Miami clinic providing services such as family medicine in Miami is here to help. In addition to Botox, we provide services such as platelet rich plasma therapy in Miami. Check us out online for more information.