¿Qué es la depilación láser?
La depilación láser implica el uso de un haz de luz concentrado para eliminar el vello no deseado en la piel. Durante el procedimiento médico, el pigmento capilar de melanina absorbe la luz láser. El calor de la energía de la luz destruye el folículo piloso (sacos en forma de tubo) que producen cabello.
Como resultado, experimenta retraso en el crecimiento del cabello. Sin embargo, aunque puede tomar un tiempo para que el cabello crezca en el área con láser, el efecto no es permanente. Por lo tanto, deberá someterse a varias depilaciones láser, comenzando con el tratamiento estándar y luego con los tratamientos de mantenimiento.
¿Para qué se utiliza el tratamiento de depilación láser
La función principal de la depilación láser es eliminar o reducir el vello no deseado de las piernas, axilas, barbilla, línea del bikini y labio superior. Sin embargo, el tratamiento no se aplica a los párpados o áreas alrededor de los ojos y la piel tatuada.
El procedimiento funciona mejor con personas de piel clara porque el cabello y el color de la piel afectan el éxito de la depilación láser. Esto se debe a que el pigmento del cabello y no el color de la piel absorben la luz láser, y el láser solo debe afectar el cabello y no dañar la piel.
Por lo tanto, los mejores resultados se observan con cabello oscuro y piel clara porque el contraste reduce el riesgo de daño en la piel. Sin embargo, esto no significa que las personas con piel más oscura no puedan someterse a la depilación láser. El avance tecnológico ha mejorado la tasa de éxito de la depilación láser en la piel oscura.
¿Cuáles son los beneficios de la depilación láser?
Algunas opciones de depilación como la depilación con cera son bastante dolorosas, mientras que otras como el afeitado deben hacerse repetidamente. La historia es diferente con el tratamiento de depilación láser. Hay varios beneficios de someterse a este procedimiento:
Previene el rebrote
El tratamiento de depilación láser, a diferencia de la depilación con cera y el desplume, previene el crecimiento del vello, dejando la piel suave y sin pelo. Además, previene los pelos encarnados esperados con el afeitado al destruir los folículos pilosos.
Es rápido
Durante el procedimiento, cada pulso láser toma solo una fracción de segundo y se dirige a muchos pelos dentro de ese tiempo. Entonces, si el tratamiento es para un área pequeña como el labio superior, toma menos de un minuto. Pero las áreas más grandes, como las piernas o la espalda, pueden extenderse a una hora.
Ahorra tiempo
Si desea una solución eficiente en el tiempo, opte por la depilación láser. Aunque se someterá a varias sesiones al principio, solo toman de unos minutos a una hora. Además, el área de tratamiento determina cuánto durará la sesión.
Es menos doloroso
¿Alguna vez has roto una goma contra tu piel?
Si es así, la sensación que tienes es similar a la de la depilación láser. Si bien no está exento de molestias, es mucho menos doloroso que la depilación con cera. Sin embargo, su umbral de dolor determina cómo se siente durante el procedimiento.
Es preciso
Un factor que diferencia este tratamiento de otros tipos de depilación es su precisión. La depilación láser se dirige a los pelos gruesos y oscuros sin dañar la piel circundante.
How do you prepare for laser hair removal?
There are things you must do before going for laser hair removal to ensure our licensed technicians can deliver the best results for you. Here are our recommendations on how to prepare for the procedure:
Check the medications you’re taking
When going for laser hair treatment, tell the medical specialist or physician the type of medications you are on. This is crucial as some drugs affect the effectiveness of the treatment, while others make the skin sensitive, leading to burns or blisters.
Some drugs that lead to this reaction are birth control pills, antibiotics, photosensitizing drugs, and medications for acne. While you do not have to stop taking the drugs, the information helps the physician adjust your treatment.
Don’t bleach your hair
If you bleach your skin and facial hair to reduce its appearance, stop before going for laser hair removal. Since laser hair removal targets the pigment and bleaching changes the color, it makes it difficult for the laser light to destroy the hair follicle. Stop bleaching six weeks before the laser hair removal treatment to allow the hair to regain its natural coloring.
Don’t expose yourself to sunlight
Keep your skin away from excessive sunlight for at least two weeks before the laser hair removal treatment. In addition, avoid using tanning lotions and tanning beds. If you fail to, you might suffer skin discoloration after the treatment.
Also, if you suffer a sunburn before the procedure, you will experience excessive pain and blistering. Therefore, we generally avoid treating patients with sunburn and will reschedule your appointment. So, if you must go outside, ensure you use sunscreen.
Shave the targeted area
Shave the targeted area for at least 24 to 48 hours before the treatment. You don’t have to worry about the absence of hair on the surface, as the laser can still target the pigment in the root hair. Also, shaving is crucial to prevent burns.
Don’t pluck or wax
Since laser hair removal treatment targets the hair follicles, avoid plucking or waxing before going for the procedure. We recommend not doing both for four to six weeks before the treatment. If you can’t stand the sight of the hair, try shaving as it leaves the root in place.
After the treatment, you can continue plucking or waxing if you wish since there are usually about eight to ten weeks intervals. But since you have to stop at least four to six weeks before your next appointment, plucking or waxing would be counterproductive.
When will you see results after laser hair removal?
Typically, you should start seeing hair fall out within one to three weeks after the treatment. Note that you will experience hair regrowth, especially if you have only had one treatment, as the laser might not get all the root hair. But the growth rate will be quite slow.
The result of the laser hair removal treatment improves with time. So, the more procedures you undergo, the closer you will be to achieving your primary goal — total hair removal. You will know if the treatment is successful four to six weeks after the last procedure.
Do you need more than one appointment to see results?
Yes, you need to keep scheduling appointments until hair stops growing. You can schedule each treatment four to six weeks apart.
Are there risks to laser hair removal treatment?
There is minimal risk to laser hair removal treatments. Some common side effects are swelling, redness, discomfort, and skin irritation, which subside within days of the treatment. But if they persist, see your doctor.
Other common side effects are blisters, infections, burns, scars, and permanent changes to skin color. Your chances of suffering any of these reduce if you use a skilled medical professional. The American Academy of Dermatologists recommends using only board-certified dermatologists to lower the risk of complications.
How much does laser hair removal treatment cost?
The amount you pay for laser hair removal depends on several factors. This includes:
Your geographical location
The physician’s experience
The number of sessions
The size of the treatment area
Laser hair removal procedures could cost hundreds to thousands of dollars. Also, since laser hair removal is an elective treatment, your medical insurance does not cover it.
Laser hair removal treatment is the best option if you want to enjoy smooth, hairless skin. Within a week of treatment, you will start seeing the result, and by your last appointment, you can say goodbye to stubborn root hair.
Our leading physician, Dr. Peter Martinez-Noda, is a general medicine and anti-aging expert. He has over 30 years of experience and will give you the highest standard of care in a welcoming and professional environment. Call today to schedule a free consultation.