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Discover All the Types of Lip Fillers Available 

Discover All the Types of Lip Fillers Available 

Do you wish your lips were fuller? Do you constantly edit your social media photos, making your lips plumper? Now you can actually have the lips of your dreams, and there are many types of lip Fillers to choose from.

Of course, lip fillers are not something you do at home with a kit. Firstly, they are injections. Thus, only a licensed healthcare provider can help you with the procedure. Also, an experienced doctor will recommend the best option from all the different types of available substances.

Learn About All the Various Types of Lip Fillers on the Market

Lip fillers fall into various categories. These categories depend on the substance injected into the lips. The most common types contain synthetic hyaluronic acid (HA). Your body accepts this substance very well because HA is a natural substance that already exists in the body. It is what gives young people’s skin its smooth and plump look.

Now, let us discover all the different types of lip Fillers:


Restylane is one of the most popular HA-based injections. It plumps up the lips and smoothes fine wrinkle lines around them. Also, its texture allows the doctor to use an ultra-fine needle.

Thus, the application is very precise and you will experience less bruising. Also, the Restylane kit contains a local anesthetic. This reduces the sensation of pricking and discomfort during the procedure.


Juvederm is one of the types of lip fillers recommended both for plumper lips and for removing signs of aging. It has excellent filling properties and gives a plump look even to wrinkled lips.

Collagen Injections

The injections containing collagen are less popular now, as HA does a better job of giving your lips a natural look. Also, collagen fillers feel less comfortable, and some patients say that they feel a foreign substance inside their lips all the time.

However, collagen fillers last longer than HA-based fillers.

Permanent Silicone Fillers

As the name suggests, these types of fillers do not require a further procedure. A doctor can easily insert and remove them, as well. However, the overall result of silicone does not look natural, leading to fewer and fewer patients choosing them.

Fat Transfer Lip Injections